Wednesday, November 13, 2013


So I also had the opportunity to make a SUPER cute Yo Gabba Gabba cake and cupcake set for an ADORABLE little girl's second birthday. I do mean adorable.

In and of itself they were rather simple to make, the biggest concerns were getting the fondant modelling dry enough to stand. I think I finally cracked the code on that though, because it turned out AWESOME!

 These cupcakes turned out adorable, Seriously. 

 This guy has a spiky tail, you can't see it.. but it's there. 

This number 2 had me so worried, but it turned out beautifully, it's a real "stand up" piece (see what I did there :D) 
This was a very fun cake for me, and my girls didn't want to let it go.

More exciting things to come!

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