Thursday, March 6, 2014

Teenage Mutant..

 Ninja tuuurtles, turtles in a half shell, TURTLE POWER!  Ok, so obviously me and my sisters may have watched a bit too much of the cartoon when we were younger. Apparently, it's been remade, and although I'm not quite sure how I feel about the remake... it's nice to see pieces of my childhood popping up here and there. This cake was made originally for Turtle figures, but that wound up changing to candles. For a picture of the cake with the candles you can check the comments on my facebook page! Sew Sweet.
 How cute is that Pizza?

And the manhole cover, LOVE IT!

To make the cake a little more grungy and sewer-esque (new word!) I took the airbrush to it after everything was in place. Love how it turned out!

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