Thursday, March 6, 2014

They did the MASH....

The monster mash!   I was blessed to be able to work on these cakes for a very lucky little girl's birthday!  A quarter sheet cake, a small monster cake, and lots and lots of cupcakes! 

 Along the side and the top of the cake you can see monster eyes peeking out, the sides of the cake were intended as caves, and the eyes and bright colors tie it in to the monster cake and cupcakes. The green that was fur for several of the little monsters is brought to the fore as moss, black piping is used to hint at the depth of the caves while not detracting from the bright purple. 

 The piping is rough and jagged, but still somewhat elegant, perfect for the monster theme of the party. I also brought the eyes and moss detail out onto the top of the cake. 

 These little guys were so much fun to make! My girls loved them also so I had to make extra for them. Can't blame them though! Who wouldn't want to munch on these?

This is the birthday cake speficially for the birthday girl! Not pictured are the chocolate antennae with hearts at the ends. These were very delicate so I did not insert them until right before pickup. 

And, I'm leaving you with a picture of my own Littlest Monster. Rawr!

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