Friday, December 13, 2013

It's Important...

To eat your fruits and vegetables.. especially when they're as cute as these!!

I had a lot of fun making these, and the girls LOVED them.. as in tried to steal them and sneak them back to their supermarket and kitchen they have set up in their toy room. I can't blame them! This marshmallow fondant is as fun as it is tasty!

I also got to try a new recipe for these, they're carrot cake with a swiss buttercream. I was leery of it at first... so much butter... but it is delicious and super light and fluffy!  It doesn't pipe as smoothly as I would like, so I went with fondant lettering on the main cake... but they are going to be SO adorable when they're set up! I'm excited, and it's not even my party!

The cupcakes and the cake are all carrot cake, with swiss buttercream, and fondant. Very fitting as they are to celebrate a graduation with a degree in dietetics! 

Enough of me blabbing, here are the rest of the pics!!

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