Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Whoops! It's New Years Eve!

Already, and I almost didn't get this post in!  Things have been so hectic lately! In a good way though! We just had my mother-in-law and sister-in-law out, and it was great. Then my Step-Dad surprised me, my mom, and my sisters by buying them tickets to come see me! I'm so excited! This was such an unexpected and generous gift! My sisters haven't been able to come out and see me since I left home, and now! They'll be here this week! Theeeen in a couple of weeks my father-in-law and my other Sister-in-Law will be out to see us. So much family!! Is there anything greater?

The reason I went on so long about all of that is, well, it's awesome... and this post is about the gift I made my father-in-law for Christmas! I know that no one gets to see us as often as they'd like, and I also know how proud we all are of my husband. So, for Christmas, since my husband had no idea what to do for a gift, I made my FIL a wallet out of my husband's first set of uniforms.  It was a little rough, I didn't have a pattern for it, and I think I'll tweak it a bit in the future... but here it is!!
This was the scary part, especially since I didn't have a pattern!
 But it worked out perfectly!

 There is a full length button pocket that runs across the outsite.

 Three card slots and one larger pocket on both sides.

The cash part. I'm so happy with how this turned out!

The finished product! 

     So, that's it for 2013! I have several fun projects coming up in January and so much to look forward to! I hope that you all have a Happy New Year and a very happy 2014! 

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