Friday, September 20, 2013

Busy Week!

     And I'm loving it! I have several projects that are works in progress right now and I'm waiting on some very special deliveries. The waiting is the worst part, but I'm super excited for what's coming!

     So far this week I've done alterations, made more wallets, and decorated a super cute petal princess cake. We've had dinner with friends, playtime, and this weekend is going to be packed as well!

     Chloe -loved- the wallet I made. So much that it is hers, if I take it she cries inconsolably until she has it returned. So.. I made a new one.. Similar enough that she's happy to have one like Mommy's, and different enough that I don't run out of the house with her build-a-bear card and none of my stuff...

Wallet #2- let's see who steals this one -.-

still SUPER roomy, just what I need. 

Some of the Exciting New Things! I will probably attach these differently in the future though. 

     I also did a super cute cake! It had an icing Tiara that I simply adore doring. They're so cute and the kids just LOVE to crunch into them!

Petal Princess

All in all it's been a very busy time for me and I totally expect it to keep going up from here! 

And because I can't end without a peek at the littles... 

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