Thursday, September 26, 2013

Helloooo Nurse!

     So I didn't really go to see a nurse, or a doctor for that matter, but I have been feeling icky lately. Call in the vitamins and airborne! So far it's working, I haven't been out and out sick yet. This has, however, put a damper on my plans for the week.

     I'm behind on my sewing and baking. Not really a big deal since at the moment I'm working on projects for me. (YAY ME!) Although, to be honest, I'd have rather have had them done by now and have been working on items for a craft fair or to put up for the holidays. Oh well! (Speaking of which.. there are a few rolls of burlap that are just SCREAMING my name.)

I did finally get almost caught up! A new wallet, and business card holder, just in time!  This isn't the finished design for my card holders, at least not yet. I want to do some serious tweaking, but it's much better than the last go round!.  Progress is Progress! I also set up an etsy shop for those of you who aren't local! (Yeah, it only has the one listing for now, but once I finish tweaking the card wallet I'll have that on there as well as ruffly vintage-esque aprons, ornaments, purses and more! You can go ahead and request one and I can make a custom listing.. but the actual listings with pictures probably won't happen this month... Costumes and cakes galore! Yay!).  The link for that, since I forgot.. is

So here's the pics!
 Hand sewing the tag! I think it looks much better than the other!

 The wallet!
 added a pen loop!
 and tried new tag placement!
 Super happy with how it turned out!
 The card wallet! 

 I can't get over how cute the new tag is :D

 The set!

And down below, the most exciting part of this week! My vistaprint order came in! Cards and stickers OH MY!  They are MUCH cuter in person, MUCH!

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